My Daddy Taught Me That Ice Cream Social!
St. Matthias Concert Series Featuring Dinah's Daydream
🌿🌻 Join us in the Edible Park July 12! 🌻🌿
Flex in MLK Park August 24
Community Yard Sale
Stephens-Lee Alumni Reunion!
Join Us for the East End/Valley Street Neighborhood Association Meeting – Thursday, June 13
Student Piano Recital
Tree Giveaway and April Edible Park Work Day!
Rescheduled March Edible Park Work Day
March is Brain Injury Awareness Month!
Soul Food Supper at Stephens-Lee
February EEVS Neighborhood Association Meeting
Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop & Work Day
February - Dr. George Washington Carver Edible Park Work Day
The Haunted Castle on the Hill at Stephens Lee
St. James AME Food Drive
September - East End/Valley Street Neighborhood Association Meeting
The Pork Skins Crew at the EEVS Community Heritage Festival
Uptown Swagga Band at EEVS Community Heritage Festival