In the late 19th century, the church became a gathering place for the Black community and impacted the development of what's now considered soul food. Fried chicken, fried fish, sweet potato pie, red drinks, black-eyed peas, cornbread, and more were served during Emancipation celebrations and church gatherings. Celebrate the legacy of Stephens-Lee alumni and the East End/Valley Street neighborhood with down-home cooking that’s been passed down through many generations.
Serving starts at 6pm on Thursday February 24 and runs until food runs out. All meals are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis in a drive-up system.
Celebrate Black History throughout the year with Asheville Parks & Recreation. During February, events take place around the city including movie screenings, soul food meals, a pie baking contest, neighborhood cleanups, and more.
All programs follow current public health guidelines from Buncombe County Health and Human Services.